Epilepsy Surgery
The healing of the epilepsy with the removal of the brain tissue responsible for the epileptic seizures, or the improvement of the situation through separation of the nerve fibres where the seizures spread, were established in the last century as a safe and successful treatment internationally wide.
The following questions must be answered in the framework of pre-surgical epilepsy diagnosis:
- Is it really epilepsy?
- Is this epilepsy medically resistant?
- In principle, can this seizure be operatively treated?
- Can the origin of the fits be more precisely isolated?
- Can damage to the other functions be ruled out with an operation?
- Does the relationship between chance and risk compare favourably with a non-surgical treatment option?
All results will be discussed in depth with the patient and family following completion of the examinations in order to make an informed decision for or against an operation possible.
In close co-operation with the neurosurgery at The Beta Klinik, all diagnosis procedures in preparation for epilepsy surgery can take place, including the implantation of stereotactic electrodes to identify the source of the epilepsy. Through MRI guided laser ablation, these epilepsy surgical procedures are especially gentle.
In-depth information on epilepsy surgery for professionals and patients has been made available by the European Project “e-pilepsy.eu” since February 2015.