Treatment of Snoring and Sleep Apnoea
Snoring is caused by vibrations of the musculature and soft parts in a constricted throat. While the musculature of relaxes during sleep, the lower jaw with the tone falls back thus constricting the air passage.
If the air passage is blocked, then longer stoppages of breathing occur. The result is too little oxygen supply in the bloodstream and also brain. Recurring waking reactions (arousals) are then triggered unnoticeably. Relaxing deep sleep is no longer possible and one’s daily performance is substantially limited.
Diminishing tissue tension and being overweight can have an increasing impact and as a result snoring problems increase with age.
60% of all men and 40% of all women over 60years of age snore and one tenth of all 30 year olds snore too. The results are:
- High blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, increased heart attack risk
- Increased risk of stroke
- Momentary nodding off (micro-sleep) whilst driving or at work
- Depression and loss of desire
- Disturbed sexuality
Dentistry sleep medicine is carried out with the colleagues at Beta Sleep. Together, the dentists and the sleep medicine team examine and diagnose the causes and connection of teeth grinding, cervical defects and abnormalities in the area of the tongue and throat and also general loss of drive and daytime sleepiness. An examination in the sleep lab forms part of the treatment plan as does dental examination as well.
From a dental point of view, we can ensure that the lower jaw stays in position and that the breathing passages do not constrict or close by using a lower jaw brace (snoreguard).
We work hand in hand together with the sleep experts at Beta Sleep in order to find the optimum solution for you.