What does arthrosis of facet joints / vertebral joints mean? What is a facet joint / vertebral joint?
Arthrosis emerges as a result of wear of joints and can occur age-relatedly or as a result of overload or wrong movements or postures during load. Generally, genetic disposition plays a role and determines how we age as well as how our body reacts to load. A special type of wear is facet joint arthrosis (facet syndrome). Facet joints are the connections between two vertebrae being connected by the corresponding intervertebral disc. This means that there are two facet joints per disc segment (right and left). In thoracic spine, two additional joints, thoracic vertebral joints, branch offso that there are 4 joints per level. Vertebral joints / facet joints make the flexibility of the spine, i.e. twisting, stretching, and bending, possible.